The Addmeister


Crazy Calvin...

Ceddy's Mind (Viewer Discretion Advised)
Cwazee Jay
Ryan's Perpetually Non-Delivering Blog

Renegade Paintball (oh yeah)
Thing's Paintball Domain

Check me out!

Tuesday, September 30, 2003 mom discovered I have ear am I in for a whoopin'....

"Ease it up!" -Frigging annoying thug in family studies
"The hat! Look at the hat! It's so dope...that is a dope hat" -Randy
"Vous ĂȘtes stupides! Vous parlez commes des roches!!" -Mr Brown

Yeah, I'm pretty much blogging so I can have an excuse to put off my homework a bit longer. I hate history, geez louise. Went shopping today and picked up some clothes (finally), man they're dope, haha. My sister's getting a job at Value Village, the lucky duck. Why did I buy such an itchy sweater?

Monday, September 29, 2003
"It's senior wouldn't be in it" -Barbara trying to sound cool to Ben
"Question dude, do you like penicillin on your pizza? *hums funeral song*" -Donatello from TMNT

Man, what a boring weekend. I was SOOO sick (still am actually), so I sat in bed and watched movies for 2 days straight. I actually rediscovered my love for Ninja Turtles though. I'm obsessed with them right now. I want a TMNT shirt, that would be the best. Anyways, nothing else too interesting going on. Show friday, be there jerk...yeah I'm talking to you Phil!! (ryan knows what i'm talking about)

Friday, September 26, 2003
Dad: "Addy you going to school today?"
Me: "No"
Dad: "Are you going?"
Me: "No"
Dad: "Are you going?"
Me: "No"
Me: ""

Sorry for the stupid quote, just that that's the only human contact I've had all day besides Randy coming upstairs for a hug. I'm sooooo frigging sick. I've been sick for about a week now, and I feel like I did last christmas, damn pneumonia. So I've done nothing all day except sit in my room and watch movies (probably what I'll be doing all weekend). I'm so bored, and I'm out of movies. If anyone wants to drop off some movies for me to watch, or just drop by, that would be nice...I'm ever so lonely....*achoo!* ...I need Nyquil....

Thursday, September 25, 2003
allright i appologize for what i said about thirce and thursday. i give up.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003
"We already have a couple kids" -Dave to his dad (kill me right there please)
"Toasted egg sandwiches!! EVERYDAY!!!" -Dave

So this is my blog devoted to Dave. He asked me to blog and I couldn't think of anything else to put. So yeah, Dave is my boyfriend, he's about 4 inches taller than me, and he's skinny. Skinny guys are really hot. He also has "sweet soft fluffy hair" that's black. We hung out tonight and it was amazing as always. I'm so in love with him, I can't imagine being with anyone else. I wish Dave would understand that though....

Tuesday, September 23, 2003
(*)AdDmEiStEr(*)(8)Eyes Blinded By Painted Smiles, We Lived A Lifetime That Night(8)(My name is Addy Ferris) says:
k, well first off, i have never heard any talented punk, they have no idea how to play their instruments, second, the lyrics they come up with sound like they were written by a 5 year old, all they talk about is how much they hate the government and s like that, third, over the past 30 years punk has remained exactly the same, it hasn't changed from the clash to NOFX, it's stagnant. plus the fact that they all have frigging the most annoying voices ever, and put absoloutly no emotion into their songs....and that punk is almost all about how you look...

aaaah, i feel cleansed

"It would suck to be a nutritionist, you just deal with fat people all day" -Avalon

"That's NOT my knees!" -Teacher coming into our classroom with squeaky table

Nothin too exciting happening. Just at school right now, I finished all my work with Randy (sexiest man ever, so he says), so i'm killing time until last period is over. I'm supposed to go this concert tonight with Georgia, but I'm totally swamped with homework, agh, stupid french. Anwyays, this is a pretty pointless blog...uh a few good concerts coming up. Race Well Run with Pretty Big Plunger, Matchbook Romance with Rise Against, and Norma Jean (it's an 18+ show though, grrrr). Got asked out by a grade 9 today. My excuse for saying no was that I was a lesbian and I was going out with Jocelyn, haha that was great. *walks away holding hands with Jocey*. That's all for now fans, See ya!

Monday, September 22, 2003
prank caller: "i'm teaching my brother to masturbate"
Cedric: "I bet you are"

"y name is knives.....i am 105 years old with white hair and red eyes. i have no nose or ears.... i am dead. if you do not send this 15 people in the next 5 minutes i will appear tonight by your bed with a knife and kill you.. this is no joke Something good will happen to u 2nite at 9:22. This is not a joke some1 will either call u or will talk to u online and say that they love u. do not break." -Knives

Sunday, September 21, 2003
"Look at this guy hold his gun! He's like some sort of ninja kid!" -Dave

"Do want me to rinse it? I can rinse it! Do you need me to stir it? I can stir it!" -Jocey

Justin: "How's your face?"
Jordan: *puts on most retarded face ever* "Yeah, how's your face?"

"I have no nose and no ears....I am dead" -Knives

As if I totally forgot about Knives!!! Oh man, that was so incredibly hilairious, it was like the king of inside jokes...Knives, CUBErt, and Stedric, the top 3 inside jokes ever. Such an action packed weekend! There like wasn't a time when i wasn't doing something, it was sweet. Today was mine and Dave's 2 month so I went to his place. We went to laser quest and I owned that game. Except that one frigging crazy ninja kid, he was amazing. But he held his gun so funny we almost died laughing. Then we went out for dinner at East Side and I had to walk all the way to Steff's to go to Youth Group. That was also sweet, and I might be playing bass for them too. Anyways, I should sleep. So exhausted from my sweet 3 days off.

P.S. "This no joke!" ".....ALL NIGHT GARY!!"

Saturday, September 20, 2003
Georgia: "Jocey, what's the deal with plain timbits?"
Jocey: "I dunno...old people?"

Oh shoot, today was sweet, and so much happened, so I'll give another one of my super-short-play-by-play-blogs. Went to Georgia's, went downtown, found a sweet chair, went back to my house, re-arranged my room, went to Tim Horton's to see Jocey, saw Jamie dance, Elvis went through the drive thru, got attacked by a timbit, Zach came over, played with a Furby, walked Georgia home, saw a drunk guy fall off his bike in slow motion, that's about it...phew.

"AAAAAAHHHH!!!!" -Me getting my ears stretched
"If you hear a crack, don't worry, my fingers do it all the time." -Jocey
"Throw on some coffee and I'll tell some stories!" -Stephen

Yeah, I actually did it! I got my ears stretched. It honestly did not hurt as much as i thought it would. Anyways, hanging out with Dave's friends is hilairious. I was crying I was laughing so hard tonight. On a totally different subject, have you ever had one of those experiences where all of a sudden, something that's been going on for a while just hits you? Like the reality of it all just really sinks in, and it all begins to come together and make sense? I had one of those tonight, and it was amazing. If you ever have one, you'll know when it happens...

P.S. RTS is where it's at!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2003
"...making real ingerdients look as sexy as possible..." -guy in our family studies video

K, so what's up with sexy food?? We watched this movie in family studies about food artists or something, and they kept saying how they were trying to make the food look sexy! I mean, honestly, I can't see guy getting turned on my a taco, not even a slice of pizza. And can you imagine masturbating while thinking about a bowl of ice cream? I guess my point for today is that food CAN NOT be sexy. It can be apetizing in a different way, but sexy? Don't even try it...

Tuesday, September 16, 2003
Mrs Cotter: "Iker, I moved you over a seat so you wouldn't talk"
Iker (spanish exchange student): "Yes, but now that I'm over here, I'll have to talk louder"

"Nestle seduces Britney" -poster in family studies class

"Addy, you have to know how to work 'em right" -Ryan

Boring day, althought it's nice to exist to Eric and Ben again (even though I didn't steal their donuts in the first place). I actually got a rather disturbing note from the stalkeresse though. It was a drawing of..i don't know...death. I think she wants to kill me...anyways. Plans for our annual Thanksgiving shindig are under way for this year. Probably having it at my house. Remember everyone! Movies, friends, music, AND FOOD!!! If you want to be a part of it, let me know ASAP. Just remember we ask a small donation to help cover food costs. That's all for now folks.

Monday, September 15, 2003
"Never give children under a year of age nuts of any kind or small pieces of wiener because they can choke on small, hard objects" -My family studies textbook

I finally got Artist in the Ambulance, I get tingles listening to that CD. Time for a new haircolour yet again.

Saturday, September 13, 2003
*SMACK!* -Justins drumstick as it smoked me
"We'll call it...project wall" -me
"SEX!" -Raynor
"*sits and drinks his coffee*" -Stephen so randomly

K, I'll give the shortest run over possible of everything that's happened today and yesterday. Race Well Run is amazing, going to all their shows in the future. Dave tore so much s up, so proud to be his g/f. Sacked Sam. Made fun of Eric. Renovating the studio. Getting a job. Phew, done.

Friday, September 12, 2003
Why Eric Kupp Sucks
By Adeline Palm

Eric: Ok, Now I'll draw the cartoon for the paper
Ben:...Eric, it looks like a thumb
Eric: It's a chair! I'll colour it in!
Ben: It'll still look like a hand doing this *gives thumbs up*
Eric: SHUT UP!!
Ben: Why is everything hovering?!?
Eric: Ok! I'll draw the ground!
Ben: Then why did you even bother drawing the box!?
Me: *bursts out laughing*
Eric: GO DIE!! YOU TOO!!
*Eric draws something else*
Ben: What is THAT!?
Me: It looks like an elephant...
*Eric hides paper as and Ben attempt to grab it*
*Me and Ben laugh at Eric again*
Eric: Just let me go die...
Ben: Well, when you die, can I see your drawing?
*Eric cries*
Ben: Mr Brown! Eric's writing DAE again!
Eric: *sobs* No I'm not!
*me and Ben wrestle the drawing away*
Ben: THAT'S a person!?!?
Me: I think it's supposed to be George bush.
* Eric cries and hides*
*15 minutes later Ben pokes me in the back*
Ben: ....It was Eric

Thursday, September 11, 2003
As if this guy takes everything so seriously...

.toy gun anthem says:
.toy gun anthem says:
not too much
.toy gun anthem says:
thats coo
straight ballin g
.toy gun anthem says:
yoh yoh yoh!
ok that's enough
.toy gun anthem says:
yeah im sorry i wish i was a thug
don't we all....
.toy gun anthem says:
i know you do... i can see you all tuged out
yeah, that would be too hot
.toy gun anthem says:
yeah i'm already too hot
.toy gun anthem says:
hmmm yeah i will agree with that
haha, this guy hits on me?
.toy gun anthem says:
no i didnt ... im just not saying your ugly
haha, stop hitting on me guy!!
.toy gun anthem says:
.toy gun anthem says:
frig i like someone and dave would rape me

"Oh no, startin to get sweaty!" -Sam while we were arm wrestling


Mr. Brown: "I think someone's a bit obsessed"
Ben: "Yeah, DAE is actually Addy's boyfriend"
Eric: "I can't help it! He's sexy!"

Oh man, what a funny second half of the day. Well actually, lunch was hilairious too! HAHAHAHA!! SHE GAVE YOU HER NUMBER ZACH!! AHAHA! Anyways, in french class Eric fell in love with Dave's alter-ego, DAE. He wrote his name probably over 200 times on a page, along with "have my baby" and "I want to sex you up". There were also various pictures of them holding hands and the like. Then we had another hilairious family studies class, and I swear, I never want to see vapor rub again! Sam!! It's frigging all down my arm! I can't even feel my arm anymore!! And now it's all over my lock and locker, it looks like someone ejaculated on it, ew. And away I go....

Wednesday, September 10, 2003
"I bet it looks really good to cats" -me

Took it before Dave could, sucka.

Tuesday, September 09, 2003
"Of course you can't, just keep on talking..." -Sam
"Cheba! Cheba! Cheba! Cheba!....B***H!" -Randy
"So England beat India 12 wickets to 3..." -Ben's impression of his Grandpa
"....HI!" -Jer
"She's talking to herself again, and laughing to herself, and....I don't want to know what she's doing now!" -Jimmy
"Where's comfy pants man?" -Logan
"Miss, we're poor" -Randy
"Take the brownies out! TAKE THEM OUT BEFORE I KNIFE YOU!" -Brad
"You better not be related to him" -Csilla
"WHOOOOOOOORE!!!!!!" -Raynor
"Are mop!!" -Zach

So many quotes, so little blog

P.S. I'm having an identity crisis, someone tell me who I am!!!!

Monday, September 08, 2003

Today was...well..interesting. More humps from Travis...*shudder*. I was at Ben's after school and I was beaten and violated sooo much. Especially by the glitter/glue, that was like rape in goo form. Oh but I got Eric and Sam back, man I sacked them so ragefully. Anyways, got some free ice cream today, thanks Daniel. Went to practice again too. Man our band is sweet. We already have like 5 songs, and they're really sweet (not to sound conceited, sorry). Anyways, I just ate 23 oreos, I think I'll go throw up.

Sunday, September 07, 2003
"....iunno it was almost like you started to be the kinda person you thought he'd like and it was like you turned into the person you thought he'd like or love or whatever..."


Saturday, September 06, 2003
"I'M SORRY!! I'M SO SORRY!!" -Shroeder

6:00 on a saturday, and I'm home alone. Aren't I the coolest person ever? Oh well, I have band practice later, so it's all good. Plus it's an excuse to get out of going to the *shudder* party. Yeah, here's the story. First day of school, I have senior lunch, and I'm walking around, and my sister's friend Travis comes up and hugs me and stuff, which isn't that wierd cuz he does it all the time. But anyways, the next day he does it again, only a lot more so, so I'm only a little freaked out right now. Next day he comes to me and Steff in the hall and he's frigging ALL OVER me. Then he says he has to go and kisses me on the cheek. So right now I'm SO wierded out, I mean, I thought he had a girlfriend. But anyways yesterday he does almost the same thing, and he intruduces me to his friend Tyler. But anyways, last night Travis adds me to his msn, and I'm like, "oh no! this guy is frigging stalking me!!" So i talked to him for awhile and eventually got invited to this party tonight. Travis is like "You should really come you know, Tyler will be there" and he kept going on and on about how I should go out with Tyler. So like 10 minutes later, I talk to Randy and I find out the WHOLE reason Travis has been following me around. This Tyler guy apparently really likes me and wants to go out with me and get in my pants and stuff. So I'm extremely freaked out right now, mostly because these guys won't leave me alone, and they're 19!!! I told them like a million times I have a boyfriend but they won't listen. And it sucks because I'm pretty sure Dave is upset by all this. Only good thing that's happened lately is my printer's working again...and that's not even that exciting, frig.

Friday, September 05, 2003
Stephen:"What are you gonna do when you get your new kit?"
Ben:"Keep my old one"
Stephen:"And molest it right?"
Ben:"Yeah I'll drill some holes in it" -Conversation at our practice

Ho hum, Addy is very tired. Practices are tiring, school is tiring, dealing with Randy is tiring, everything is tiring. Practice was fun though, got a song finished, and a couple sweet ideas for others have been thrown out there. The bass lines right now are easy as s, but still sweet, we'll screw around with that later. Geez Louise, I wish I could tear s up like Dave does. Ben is a frigging amazing drummer, but Slipknot is too wierd for me, sorry guy. I want to see Dave as soon as possible. I want to sing. I want another ice cream sandwich. I want to stop talking like Jordan.

Thursday, September 04, 2003
"Ew! There was a hair where I licked the carpet" -Dave
"Guy, I just got my braces stuck to my guitar...I was so scared" -Paul
"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH" -McCallum's random screams

Such a sweet day, well, everything after school at least. Still havn't got my timetable changed yet, so I have 2 lunches right now. After school though I went to Dave's band practice. Holy f they are really good. I'm SO jelous haha. But yeah, sweetest new ever fans. Addy gets a band!!!!!!! Oh Yeah!! Finally, man I love my life. Those TLFR boys are crazy.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003
"Scrumdelumpscious" -My family studies teacher

Man, as if some teachers are so gay. My arm keeps spasming, I think there's something wrong with me.

Tuesday, September 02, 2003
i agree.

"I thought you'd switch from this never want to do anything fun" -Mr Slater

First day of school kids. Not too bad if I must say. My first semester is relatively easy. I have history, civics/careers, *to be decided*, and home ec. My homeroom teacher is pretty nice, she's all bubbley and happy, it's a bit scary. But yeah, the day went pretty smoothly, except that my timetable was all f'd up!! I somehow ended up in the drama tech class that I didn't even sign up for! When I got there Mr. Slater (sweetest teacher ever), was like "Addy? what the heck are you doing in TECH?" But what's even wierder was that the class was period C senior!! So since nobody wrote that on the timetables, everyone missed all but the last 20 minutes of the class because we were on junior lunch. So anyways, I ended up having a spare for what would've normally been my period C. It was fun. But yeah, since I didn't even sign up for tech, and since I want to keep my junior lunch, I'm probably switching to french. So there's still a chance of me getting *shudder*...De Pooter. I think my sweetest class this year will definatley be my home ec class, with Sam and..Randy!! Haha. Not much else to report, I think Hodgson transfered to Ross *gulp*. Long live the memory of Cedric "The Entertainer" Young.

Monday, September 01, 2003
hey its sam im not addy and its the monday before school and well im watching some comedy and its not too funny why is that. I know why because fox abc nbc cbc and other channels keep dishing out the same shows with different names that aren't funny and waste half an hour to an hour of our day. Cheesy high budget shows that are stupid and have fake awesome reviews. Arrrrgggggg, hey seinfields. Hooray.

"Hey Mike, don't turn might be embarassed" -Dave's dad

Haha, man it's so funny when you show up at people's houses really early and their still asleep. Today I got to Dave's early enough to manage to see not only Dave half naked, but his cousin too. But yeah, another wierd question has come up in my mind again. Awhile ago Dave told me that a girl on TV was hot, but she "wasn't his type". I'd actually never heard anyone say that before, so it confused me a bit. So Dave explained what he meant and everything was fine. But yeah, since then I've kind of been wondering, what makes people have certain "types" that they like? I didn't really even know I had a type until I really thought about it. Like, I realized that I probably could never be attracted to a "thug-ish" kind of guy. Or a prep or even a true punk for that matter. It's wierd I know. I guess my type is like, emo kind of guys. But yeah, it's strange to think that there are only certain kinds of people we're attracted to. But anyways, school tomorrow...are you ready? I know I'm not ...frig

my name is dave. addy is my girlfriend. i play bass. addy better show up early tomorrow morning. i've been to camp before, but not an all night one. my belt buckle says "rock n roll, still going strong". i'm watching zoolander right now and occasionaly laughing.

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