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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
First quotes in a while:

"We're all out of corn flakes -FU. It took me 3 hours to figure out that FU was Felix Unger." -Jason and Joel's HI-larious scene.

"Woopee, we're in heaven *mumblemumblemumble*" -Cathy and Alex's not so hilairious scene, mostly because of Alex

Mr Galt: "Kylie, what's the 4th root of 81?"
Kylie (his little daughter): ".....3"
It was awesome because this kid was like just over 2 years old.

The following willl probably be a boring blog, so if you're already bored I suggest turning back now before it's too late.

I'm warning you.

You sure you don't want to stop reading?

Ok fine...smartass.

School today was boring, as usual. 1st period we strated writing our lame essays about 1984 relating to the Matrix and some stupid movie invloving Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts (sounds awful eh?). So that went pretty badly, luckily Jenny sits beside me and we sympathized afterwards...with sexy results.

Then was drama and me and Mike totally PWN3D our scene presentation. Not quite as good as Joel and Jason but still...pretty good. The one bad thing was that Mike was sooooo funny and I had a really hard time keeping a straight face. Mr Slater enjoyed it though, and that's all that matters....ever.

Math with Yanchus....'nuff said. (Today he told us a story about how a snapping turtle peed on him because his girlfriend told him he had to move it off the road to save it's life.)

And finally, in french class Mr Brown sais something hilairious. Observe:

Barbara: "So what exactly does that mean."
Mr Brown: "Um...well it's bad, you should get the just of it."
Barbara: "No I want to know exactly what it means."

It was great because Mr Brown is like this sweet old man of around 50 or 60, genious.

So that's my day so far. I hope Jocelyn starts talking to me again. Also I hope Kirsten gets her WOW account back, i'm dying to play.

Ok bye.

Do they even kill you?

Friday, April 08, 2005
Sick...doped up on codeine and muscle relaxant....happily sedated and drooling.

That was me last night, and sadly today and presently. I wish I wasn't sick, my nose hurts, my head hurst, and I did something awful to my neck and now that hurts too. I'm such a whiner, shut up Addy.

At least I got out of work tonight.

Anyway, I think Jocelyn is avoiding me. I havn't said so much as 2 words to her in about 3 months, it makes me very sad. But if it's for a good reason then I don't mind. All I can say is that she still rocks out with her cock out. (B to the A)

On the flipside, Jenny now talks to me alot more, mostly due to our mutual hatred for Ms Scott. If me and Jenny had our way we would most likely have burned her on a stake by now. You know someone's gone too far when they ask you to relate piles of candy to 1984.

I think I'll vaporize Ms Scott.

Short sentence thoughts now because my pain killlers are kicking in again.

I'm such a procrastinator.

I need a new bed.

My throat hurts.

Dwarven women are hot.


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